Blog Lifestyle

If We Were Having Coffee…

How are we in November already?  I’m not going to lie, I’ve been waiting months for an excuse to finally start talking about Christmas!  This will be my first Christmas living with Neil, so I can’t wait to create some new traditions, and get our very own Christmas tree.  Anyway, before any of those new memories can be made, here’s a few bits and bobs to catch up on from the last few weeks…

If we were having coffee… I would tell you that I ordered some amazing pins from Cakes with Faces recently.  I have been hooked on this brilliant artist’s Japan videos for weeks now as I start my own itinerary plans for my own return trip!  Fun fact: my friend and I were actually her first customers at her first ever MCM convention all the way back in 2011!

If we were having coffee… I would tell you (following on from the theme above…) that I am having great fun planning my next trip to Tokyo!  I can’t wait to show Neil some of the places I loved about the city, as well as having a load of new experiences.  The Pokemon Cafe, Robot Restaurant and a day trip to Kamakura are all on the itinerary so far.

If we were having coffee… I would tell you that I started playing The Outer Worlds, and I am loving it.  It has many similarities to Fallout, but with a Mass Effect vibe to it as well.  I’ve chosen a path of good, whilst Neil has chosen a path of sarcasm and meanness – it’ll be fun to see how our two games diverge as we head down opposing moral paths!

If we were having coffee… I would tell you that I am mere months away now from my operation, and it’s starting to feel pretty real.  I’ve felt a whole mix of symptoms all year, from nausea and palpitations, to fatigue and deafness, so the thought of a possible fix for this feels amazing and a bit scary.  I’ve definitely been functioning on a half full energy tank for the last 10 months, and I can’t wait to feel myself again!

If we were having coffee… I would tell you that I just finished a really good book!  As much as I love reading I’m actually a bit of a slow reader, but The Last by Hanna Jameson had me hooked.  I’ll be reviewing it really soon as I really want to share it with the world – an excellent read!

If we were having coffee… I would tell you that I was gifted Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy for Switch.  The game plays slightly differently from the ones I have played before.  Firstly, the protagonist is not actually Professor Layton, but rather his daughter, Katrielle.  Also, instead of one long story, the game is split into a lot of smaller cases to solve.  Since I only pick up my Switch once or twice a week, it’s nice to have it broken down into small parts.

If we were having coffee… I would tell you that I went to see Joker a couple of weeks ago in the cinema, and I was blown away.  I knew the film was an origin story, but I hadn’t expected to see such overarching themes of mental health and societal unrest from the perspective of the so-called ‘bad guys’ – an interesting spin of things!  The film did a great job of making the viewer sympathise with someone making bad choices, and the whole experience was very thought-provoking.  If you haven’t seen it yet, then it’s a must for DC fans in my opinion!

What would you want to say this month if we were having coffee?