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Read & Roll

Showing 43 Result(s)
Blog Writing

The Beginner: A Short Story

He sat in front of the small, metallic rectangle in silence.  Waiting. We miss talking to you, Grandad, Hanna had said on her last visit.  You should get a computer. So the day after she had left, he had driven across town to the retail park, and entered a shop that promised unbeatable prices on …

Art Blog

Lyrical: An Online Art Journal Class

Feeling artsy recently during some annual leave, I decided to sign up to an online art journal course – ‘Lyrical’ by artist and illustrator, Roxanne Coble. The class is aptly named, as the course focuses on making art from music.  Taking inspiration from lyrics, the aim is to layer scraps from magazines, building up tiers …

Blog Tabletop Games

Aqua Garden

And the award for the coolest meeples goes to… Aqua Garden! Featuring wooden sharks, turtles, clownfish, and more, this Kickstarted game is a collector’s dream. Aqua Garden is more than the sum of its meeples though.  Each player has their own aquarium, and must move around a central board to acquire new fish to place …

Blog Books

Book Review: Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want To Come

Goodreads // Waterstones I first heard about Jessica Pan’s book when she spoke to Emma Gannon on one of my favourite podcasts, Ctrl Alt Delete.  They discussed Jessica’s introverted nature and her challenge to overcome some of her habits that were holding her back. As someone who really identified with what they was saying, I immediately ordered …

Blog Books

A Year In Books: 2022

68 books read 17,140 pages read This year I discovered BookTube, and it opened up a whole new source of inspiration for reading material. Seeing how much people were able to read made me want to reprioritise, and I made sure I had a book in my bag whenever I left the house in 2022 …

Blog Books

Book Review: Inferno

Inferno is an incredible biography by Catherine Cho, following her experience of postpartum psychosis, which affected her almost 100 days after she had given birth. During her pregnancy, Cho experiences pressure from her Korean family to honour her heritage by staying inside for 100 days; this is a Korean tradition believed to protect the baby from …

Blog Tabletop Games

Dungeons & Dragons: Meet Eilaga Axeager

Some time ago I was given the opportunity to experience Dungeons & Dragons for the first time.  My friend had bought a Starter Set, and together a campaign was put together by Jack, our first-time Dungeon Master. I played as Eilaga Axeager, a Dwarvian child prodigy who had left her home in the mountains to …

Blog Tabletop Games


A while ago, my friend brought round a roleplaying game called Fiasco. She told me it was a story-telling game based on improvisation, which has got to be one of the worst words an introverted soul can hear. Making stuff up on the spot? No one to guide the plot but our imaginations and a …

Blog Books

Book Review: The Cat and the City

This book is truly a one of a kind. Dozens of short chapters are woven together to create a picture of Tokyo on the run up to the 2020 Olympics (which, sadly, never happened in the real world due to Covid-19). It is a story of how strangers’ lives can be interwoven in intricate, complicated …

Blog Books

Book Review: Wed Wabbit

Goodreads // Waterstones Reading Wed Wabbit with the children’s book club at work made me question why I don’t pick up children’s literature to read more often. The book follows Fidge, a young girl who becomes emotionally closed off after the death of her father.  She carries a lot of resentment, and when her behaviour leads to …