Showing 3 Result(s)
Blog Books

Introduction: Becca’s Spookoplathon

I really enjoyed the Realmathon back in May, and have been looking for a similar reading challenge ever since. The Spookoplathon is a spooky season readathon hosted by booktuber Becca and the Books.  The rules are easy: roll the dice, move around the Spookopoly board, and add a book to your TBR for each prompt …

Blog Books

Realmathon: A Reading Wrap-Up

That’s a wrap! Realmathon is over, and I’ve had a blast. I set myself some ambitious goals at the beginning of the month, hoping to tackle 6 books in particular for this reading challenge. I managed to read 3 from that original list, and a 4th (Cursed Bunny) that I started at the end of …

Blog Books

Realmathon: An Introduction

At the beginning of the year, I set myself what I considered to be a very ambitious challenge: I would read 70 books in 2023. Three months in, and finishing my 36th book, I am reminded about my family’s blessing (or curse), which enables us to single-mindedly steamroll towards our priorities once we’ve decided on …